Incident Response Tabletop Exercises

Minimise the impact of incidents through preparation, planning, and testing


A Little Preparation Goes a Long Way

When a security incident occurs, it's critical that your team can respond quickly and effectively to minimise the impact. Being well-prepared and ensuring your team is familiar with your response plans can make all the difference.

Acumenis can help by creating customized incident response plans and playbooks for your organisation. We can then guide your team through tabletop exercises to test these plans and ensure staff are familiar with their roles and responsibilities during a real incident.

Incident Readiness Planning

The Benefits

  • Reduce the impact of security incidents, and the likelihood of notifiable data breaches, by being better prepared.
  • Increase the likelihood of detecting attackers before they successfully achieve their objectives.
  • Identify gaps or weaknesses in current incident response plans and playbooks, so they can be improved.
  • Familiarise your team with their roles and responsibilities during an incident.

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